Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wacky Wednesday - The rest of the Dumb Laws

Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed last weeks dumb laws.  I really think some of them are funny.   As promised, here is the balance of the USA states for your mid-week laugh...

Lets talk Laws - MORE Crazy laws!

Mississippi - In Tylertown - It is unlawful to shave in the center of main street. I can understand, shave at home. 

Missouri - Columbia - Though clotheslines are banned, clothes may be draped over a fence.  I think a clothesline would look better.

Montana - It is illegal to have a sheep in the cab of your truck without a chaperone.  Uh, ok!

Nebraska - Drivers on mountains should drive with caution near the right hand edge of the highway.  There are no mountains in Nebraska.  If a child burps during church, his parent may be arrested.  That is crazy.  AND...It is Illegal to go whale fishing.  Is Nebraska by an ocean?

Nevada - It is illegal to drive a camel on the highway.  Drive a camel?  Don't you ride a camel?  Also, apparently camels are an issue in Nevada. 

New Hampshire - You may not tap your feet, nod your head, or in any way keep time to the music in a tavern, restaurant, or cafe.  Sounds like fun times in New Hampshire, NOT!

New Jersey -  You may not slurp your soup.  This sounds very challenging to me. 

New Mexico - Idiots may not vote.  Could someone explain to me how they determine who is an "idiot"?

New York - It is against the law to throw a ball at someone’s head for fun.  Oh man!  There goes all of the fun. 

North Carolina - Elephants may not be used to plow cotton fields.  What?  Elephants, did we really have elephants in North Carolina where this was necessary? 

North Dakota - It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on.  Sorry folks!

Ohio - It is illegal to get a fish drunk.  Do people actually do this? 

Oklahoma - Oklahoma will not tolerate anyone taking a bite out of another’s hamburger.  Sorry, no sharing in OK. 

Oregon - Drivers may not pump their own gas.  This creates a little problem at today's gas stations.  Uh oh!

Pennsylvania - Fireworks stores may not sell fireworks to Pennsylvania residents. So.. can an Arizona resident buy them and use them in PN? 

Rhode Island - No one may bite off another's leg.  WOW, wonder how this got on the books.

South Carolina - Horses may not be kept in bathtubs.  Apparently horses came inside back in the day. 

South Dakota - No horses are allowed into Fountain Inn unless they are wearing pants. Wait, what?  Pants?

Tennessee - It is legal to gather and consume roadkill. Yea, but who does this?

Texas - It is illegal to sell one’s eye.  Apparently this was a problem..yikes!

Utah - It is illegal not to drink milk.  What if you are allergic? Then what.

Vermont - Women must obtain written permission from their husbands to wear false teeth.  Husbands know best..haha

Virginia - You may not engage in business on Sundays, with the exception of almost every industry.  OK, what industry can do business on Sunday? I'm confused. 

Washington - The harassing of Bigfoot, Sasquatch or other undiscovered subspecies is a felony punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment.   Is Bigfoot real or not real?  Such a debate. 

West Virginia - Whistling underwater is prohibited.  Who knew?

Wisconsin - Whenever two trains meet at an intersection of said tracks, neither shall proceed until the other has.  So, who goes first?  This is definitely not clear. 

Wyoming - You may not take a picture of a rabbit from January to April without an official permit. I cannot remember the last time I took a picture of a rabbit, apparently an issue in Wyoming. 

There you have it folks!  I hope you smiled a little for your mid-week Wacky Wednesday blog.

Have a great rest of your week and a good weekend from all of us at Top Notch Property Management & Sales.

Call us if you need us!  928-772-4801

All of these dumb laws were courtesy of - you can see all of them at their website.  

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